China's Forgotten Daughters 2017

China's Forgotten Daughters


Original Title

Hong Kong Title
China's Forgotten Daughters

Plot Synopsis

Under China's One Child Policy, many girl babies were abandoned because of Chinese patriarchal society. They were either dead or starting new lives with adopted families out of their hometown. 30 years later, although the abandoned daughters already have their own families, they are still searching for their birth parents. Cai Fengxia, who has been looking for her birth parents for 12 years, is fortunate enough to find her parents in Jiangyin through an NGO. Fengxia and her adopted father visit her birth parents for the new family's reunion in Chinese New Year. How will Fengxia and her adopted father handle this new relationship? Can finding birth parents really heal the trauma of One Child Policy? Can Fengxia regain a sense of identity in traditional Chinese family? Fengxia's story is about love and confession.

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